In this section there are 3600 words so far, divided into 6 parts according to the level of difficulty.
You can study words randomly by pressing “Random”, and you can study them in order by pressing “Next” and “Back”.
You can also study them using Their IDs by clicking on "Select Number" so you can write the ID number of the word you want and continue from where you left off.
You can use the search field to search for any word in this section by typing it or its ID number.
You can switch between dark and light mode.
You can have fun and practice writing by visiting The Quiz section.
How It Works
Each card contains text, sound and image.
Each text contains word, IPA “International Phonetic Alphabet”, example and meaning.
Each sound contains word, example and meaning.
You can add any card to your favorites by clicking on the heart button and then go to the favorites section you will see your favorite cards there.
You can also delete any card you want by clicking the heart button again or by clicking the x button in the favorites section.
You might be wondering where we keep your favorite words... Well, we store them in your browser, so your favorites will stay in your browser unless you delete them manually or clear your browser data/history.